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Modern Electrical Power Substation Fundamentals

Modern Electrical Power Substation Fundamentals

Note: This is a recorded video presentation and does not qualify as an interactive course nor a live webinar.

Course Highlights

This online engineering PDH video presentation will present a basic overview of modern electrical substations, emphasizing their important role in reliable and effective operation of power systems, describing all major, auxiliary, and control equipment, listing typical engineering issues associated with substation design and engineering and providing recommendations for addressing those issues.


This course begins with a brief review of electrical power concepts in the DC, Single Phase AC, Three Phase AC, Per-Unit System in an easy to follow manner. The course then segues into the discussion about main goals that every utility company has, followed by description of a typical power system structure, justification for voltage transformation and mission of substations. Next, all main components of substations including their mission, components, types and arrangement are covered. This course also provides an overview of reliability analysis theory, main equations to calculate probability of failure for both a single element and different kinds of their connection into the system. A basic overview of relay protection philosophy and main components of relay systems is provided, followed by description of most popular types of protection schemes, including their principles of operation, advantages and disadvantages. Next, an overview of reliability analysis theory is provided including main equations to calculate probability of failure for both a single element and different kinds of their connection into the system. This course also covers, briefly, the insulation coordination topic, as well as substation safety and fire protection issues. Explanation of BIL (Basic Insulation Level) and its effect on substation design are provided. A brief introduction to safety and fire protection standards is provided. Then, an example is presented to show how to choose 138 kV circuit breaker for a specific power system.


This 7 PDH video presentation is intended primarily for electrical and civil engineers and designers, construction professionals as well as utility company management and field personnel looking to expand their knowledge and experience in modern electrical substations.
Learning Objectives

This PE continuing education video presentation is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Learning about reasons for voltage transformation.
  • Understanding the purpose of sectionalization of power systems.
  • Familiarizing with the different major substation components including power transformers, switching equipment, substation bus system, and instrument transformers.
  • Learning about when to use each type of switching equipment.
  • Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each type of substation bus system, including open air rigid bus, strain bus, gas-insulated bus and cable bus.
  • Understanding what current and potential transformers are used for and what their standard secondary values are.
  • Understanding the role that substation auxiliary and control systems play in allowing all station equipment to function properly and by that fulfilling the main substation mission to support reliable and effective operation of power systems.
  • Understanding the mission and operation principles relay protection, metering systems, auxiliary AC/DC power systems, and station alarm and remote control systems.
  • Learning about what breaker failure protection and reclosing are intended for.
  • Understanding the main components of power line carrier communication systems.
  • Knowing the difference between analog and digital types of metering equipment.
  • Understanding the types of conditions triggering station alarm.
  • Knowing the function of substation auxiliary AC and DC power systems as well as alarm and remote control systems, concentrating on their functions and arrangement.
  • Understanding the complexity of engineering aspects related to design, operation, and maintenance of modern electrical substations.
  • Learning about the basics of insulation coordination.
  • Understanding the importance of safety in substation design and engineering.
Course Document
For this course, you will need to watch the video presentation titled, “Modern Electrical Power Substation Fundamentals”  To access the video presentation, you will need to log in or register and purchase the course.  Following course purchase, please click on the link provided in your account history to view the video presentation. The duration of the video presentation is approximately 360 minutes.
Please note that you will be watching the video presentation via YouTube or another video streaming platform which will be streaming though
Course Quiz
Once you are finished watching the video presentation, you will need to click on the link provided at the end of the presentation to access your account and take the quiz. You will need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of thirty five (35) questions to earn 7 PDH credits.  The quiz will be based on this video presentation.
The minimum passing score is 70%. There is no time limit on the quiz, and you can take it multiple times until you pass at no additional cost.
Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

To buy the course and access the video presentation, please click on: