Ohio State Requirements
PDH's Required:
30 Units
Renewal Period:
Biennial by December 31 of odd years
Course Pre-approval:
The State Board does not pre-approve courses. You must select a course activity that meets your State Board criteria.
Sponsor Pre-approval:
The State Board does not pre-approve continuing education sponsors.
Course Applicability:
The course must be relevant to the profession of engineering and may include technical, ethical or managerial content. Effective January 1, 2018 you are required to complete two hours of the 30 hour biennial continuing professional development requirement in professional ethics or rules relevant to the practice of engineering.
Online PDH's:
Successful completion of online courses relevant to the practice of engineering or surveying. A minimum of 24 PDH's may be earned through online/distance learning courses (Timed and Monitored), and a maximum of 6 PDH’s (3 PDH's per year) may be earned through correspndence courses every renewal period. All course work or activities must deal with technical, ethical, or managerial topics relevant to the engineer's field of practice. As such, CED's Online Courses, Interactive Courses, Discount Packages and Live Webinars will satisfy the Board's requirements.
PDH Deferral:
Up to 15 PDH may be carried over into the next renewal period.
Additional Information:
Please visit the Ohio State Licensing Board Website.
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