NY State Society of
Prof. Engineers
Attn NYSSPE Members:
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and save on any course with CEDengineering.com
Attn IEEE Members:
Use Promo Code
and save on any course with CEDengineering.com
Please contact us for any inquiry at:
Continuing Education & Development, Inc.
9 Greyridge Farm Court
Stony Point, NY 10980
P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774
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by category:
» Nuclear
» Storm Water
» Sustainability
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Offer is valid through 10/03/10 and may not be combined with any other offer.
Dear [fname] [lname]
CEDengineering.com is pleased to announce its latest online
PDH course releases:
Design Options for HVAC Distribution Systems - 6 PDH
This course provides basic knowledge about HVAC distribution systems (including all-air, all-water, air-water systems as well as terminal units and compact unitary units) in design applications. It discusses various technologies and equipment configuration and their advantages and disadvantages.
Disinfection with Peroxone - 2 PDH
Addition of hydrogen peroxide to ozonated water increases the rate of ozone decomposition and generates hydroxyl free radicals in what is known as the peroxone advanced oxidation process. This course provides guidance on the use of this rapid, strongly oxidizing process.
Introduction to Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids - 3 PDH
LNAPL represent potential long term sources for continued groundwater contamination. This course provides guidance on the prediction of LNAPL transport, distribution, and migration; the fate of LNAPL in the subsurface; site characterization, recovery and/or remediation of LNAPL.
Overview of Chiller Compressors - 4 PDH
This course introduces the various types of chiller compressors and their applications. It addresses the key issues pertaining to their selection, operational regimes, efficiency ratings, heat rejection options, infrastructural availability, performance specifications and life cycle cost considerations.
Lighting Evaluations and Upgrades - 2 PDH
This course provides guidance on how to approach and perform an evaluation or audit of the lighting at a facility. It describes the basic nomenclature about lighting, the different types of lighting fixtures and their advantages and disadvantages, and how to perform a formal lighting evaluation.
Stormwater Best Management Practices: Basins - 8 PDH
This course provides design guidance for basin or pond BMPs including dry detention basins, wet/retention ponds and infiltration basins. The objectives are to create stormwater management BMPs that maximize the removal of pollutants and provide a certain measure of flood control.
Introduction to Architectural Design: Fire Stations - 2 PDH
This course provides fire station planning and layout guidance. It addresses building design criteria; core functional areas; space allocation; furniture and equipment selection; and site evaluation and design. It introduces the development and application of functional relationship diagrams for fire stations.