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Purchase your courses by 5/17/15 and take the quiz at a later date
June 30th PE License Renewal Deadline!
Texas and West Virginia
Earn all your 15 PDHs online with
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Earn all your 30 PDHs online with
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Discount Packages
Discount Packages
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our various
at greatly reduced prices:
08 PDH Package - $134.40
12 PDH Package - $187.20
15 PDH Package - $216.00
17 PDH Package - $224.00
18 PDH Package - $237.60
24 PDH Package - $288.00
30 PDH Package - $324.00
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Enjoy a 30% savings on all courses including our latest online PDH course releases. Use Promo Code CED300515.
BMPs for Cons. & Maint. of Transmission Lines & Towers, 8 PDH
Course No. C08-018
This course presents the BMPs for transmission construction and maintenance activities, including soil protection and restoration practices. The techniques and methodologies described in this course document are applicable to nearly all transmission tower land areas in the lower 48 United States.
Intro. to Treatment of Closed Industrial Water Systems, 3 PDH
Course No. H03-005
The term “closed water system” refers to a sealed system, under pressure, and is not open to the atmosphere. This course provides an introduction to best practices for treatment of closed industrial water systems used to provide heating, cooling, or both for buildings and industrial processes.
MUTCD: Roadway Pavement Markings, 6 PDH
Course No. C06-015
MUTCD is recognized as the national standard for all traffic control devices installed on any street, highway, bikeway, or private road open to public travel. This course discusses how to effectively use pavement markings to guide roadway traffic, and thereby reduce your liability exposure.
An Introduction of Compessed Air Systems, 2 PDH
Course No. M02-047
This course provides an introduction to the design of low pressure compressed air systems with a maximum design operating pressure of 125 psig, including piping, compressors, aftercoolers and separators, air receivers, and air dryers. It also discusses methods for sizing of piping.
Practical Power Cable Ampacity Analysis, 4 PDH
Course No. E04-028
In underground-fault conditions, the flow of current will result in voltage gradients. This course addresses various grounding problems, describes how grounding systems are modelled, explains how step and touch voltages are calculated, and provides an introduction to grounding system design.