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Offshore Wind Energy, 2 PDH
Course No. R02-010
This course introduces the principles and practices of offshore facilities. It summarizes a study conducted by EESI of existing European and Asian offshore wind farms, and visitors to and residents of coastal areas that would be candidates for offshore wind farm sites.
HVAC Overview of Underfloor Air Distribution, 4 PDH
Course No. M04-036
Underfloor air distribution (UFAD) turns air supply upside down, allowing a floor plenum to deliver conditioned air to the space via floor diffusers in the raised floor system. This course discusses how the UFAD system differs from the conventional HVAC and reviews several key UFAD design issues.
Enthalpy, Entropy, Mollier Diagram and Steam Tables, 5 PDH
Course No. M08-005
This course introduces the units, terms, principles, laws and equations pertaining to enthalpy and entropy. It also introduces the Mollier diagram and how it is utilized in the assessment of enthalpy and entropy changes as temperature and pressure are changed.
All About Gas Fireplaces, 3 PDH
Course No. M03-031
This course presents the basics of gas fireplaces and describes their types, venting systems, efficiency ratings, ignition and controls, as well as their heat exchange and transfer. It also addresses what to look for in an energy-efficient gas fire place and the problems encountered with certain technologies.
Introduction to Domestic Water Treatment, 2 PDH
Course No. C02-054
This course provides an introduction to domestic water treatment. This course also includes basic information on most of the common water treatment processes for treating domestic water supplies to meet regulatory and best management practices requirements.
Introduction to Sustainable Lighting Design, 2 PDH
Course No. E02-015
This course discusses how to provide sustainable lighting design to achieve the required LEED or other certification level in accordance with the owner's objectives. Incorporating sustainable goals into the design process requires a careful analysis of the cost and benefits of the strategies outlined.
Introduction to Deep Foundation, 2 PDH
Course No. G02-007
The term deep foundation includes piles, piers or caissons, as well as footings or mats set into a deep excavation. This course introduces the methods for analysis and design of deep foundations, and discusses the problems of placing footings and mats in deep excavations.