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CEDengineering.com is pleased to announce its latest online
PDH course releases:
Optimizing Energy Efficiency of Induction Motors - 6 PDH
This course provides 20 different strategies to guide you into the electric motor evaluation process and highlights common ways you can improve system efficiency and reliability. By optimizing the efficiency of your motor-driven systems, you can increase productivity and dollar savings.
Activated Sludge Calculations with EXCEL - 2 PDH
This course provides guidance on biological wastewater treatment, activated sludge process, variations of the activated sludge process, design calculations for an activated sludge aeration tank, and activated sludge operational calculations using Excel spreadsheets.
Introduction to High Temp. Water Heating Plants - 4 PDH
This course will introduce you to systems, equipment and design guidelines for high temperature water (HTW) heating plants. You will learn about different types of HTW systems, distribution schematics, hot water generators, pressurization methods, expansion vessels, pumps and controls.
Principles and Use of Gears, Shafts and Bearings - 4 PDH
Gears, shafts and bearings are the backbone of equipment used in the field of Mechanical Power Transmission. This course provides information on the design, types, material, manufacture, load/stress analysis, sample problems, and sketches of industrial applications with expert analysis.
LaPlace Transforms in Design & Analysis of Circuits - 4 PDH
This course provides the mathematical foundations for converting ordinary differential equations to their LaPlace transform pair. While a stand-alone module, it is the first in series of courses created for the design and analysis of loops that must be modeled using differential/integral equations.
Design for Reliability - 2 PDH
This course introduces Design for Reliability (DFR) to engineers. It is useful for designers and product managers working for asset manufacturers and sellers, and for employees of owners accountable for procuring new assets and ensuring asset reliability, availability and maintainability when doing so.