FHWA Bridge Maintenance Series:
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CEDengineering.com is pleased to announce its latest online
PDH course releases:
Fundamentals of Gas Welding and Cutting - 6 PDH
The oxy-acetylene process is extremely versatile and can be used for welding, cutting, heating, soldering and brazing on any thickness of metal, but not without difficulties. This course provides an understanding of oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, as well as safety practices.
Natural Gas Gathering - 4 PDH
This course introduces the basic physical laws that constitute the foundation of all natural gas calculations. It also discusses the physic constants and formulas necessary when working on a natural gas project. It also provides example natural gas and compressor calculations.
Overview of Portable Fire Extinguishers - 3 PDH
Studies have shown that when an individual is properly trained on the use of fire extinguishers, they are 2.5 times more effective when extinguishing a fire. This course provides basic information on the proper selection, location, identification, use and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers.
Insulation Audit and Its Economic Thickness - 4 PDH
Identifying the rate of thermal energy (heat) loss from an inadequate or uninsulated surface is the starting point for understanding the incentive for installing thermal insulation. This course provides insight to such heat loss and discusses “how much” insulation is adequate on economic criteria.
Lead in Construction - 3 PDH
When working with construction/demolition projects involving lead-based paint, workers tend to breath in lead as dust, fume or mist which can cause a serious health hazard. This course presents the OSHA Standards developed to protect employees from lead exposures in the construction industry.
Managing Plant Turnarounds and Outages - 3 PDH
This course introduces the basic steps needed to prepare and execute an effective and efficient plant turnaround or outage. It presents important issues for performing a turnaround that is environmentally sound, safe, on budget, on schedule and which performs the needed scope of work.
Overview of Steam Traps - 4 PDH
A "Steam Trap" is the most important link in the condensate loop and the steam system. This course provides an overview of this essential component and discusses the selection, installation, operation and maintenance criteria of various steam traps for different applications.