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08 PDH Package - $134.40
12 PDH Package - $187.20
15 PDH Package - $216.00
17 PDH Package - $224.00
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24 PDH Package - $288.00
30 PDH Package - $324.00
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Enjoy a 30% savings on all courses including our latest online PDH course releases. Use Promo Code CED300415.
A Guide to Working with Corrosive Substances, 1 PDH
Course No. C01-017
This course provides an introduction to the concepts and principles that can prevent serious health risks to workers due to exposure to corrosives. It also presents proper protection practices from corrosive substances as well as methods of treating exposure to those substances.
Receivers: From Spark to 16-QAM, 3 PDH
Course No. E03-023
This course covers the development of radio receivers from the late 1800s to the present in two concurrent dimensions: Time and Frequency. The advancement of technology and upper frequency have happened in parallel so organizing this course in chronological order dovetails well with increasing frequencies.
Air Pollution Control: Wet Scrubbers, 5 PDH
Course No. C05-021
A wet scrubber is an air pollution control device that removes particulate matter (PM) and acid gases from waste gas streams of stationary point sources. This course provides an introduction to the various types of wet scrubbers, as well as their design and cost considerations.
Number Systems, 4 PDH
Course No. E04-029
While the decimal number system is convenient to humans, it is not practical for use by computers. As such, methods must be used to convert numbers readable by humans to a computer accepted format. This course presents the various types of number systems used by computers today.
Grounding System Theory and Practice, 4 PDH
Course No. E04-027
In underground-fault conditions, the flow of current will result in voltage gradients. This course addresses various grounding problems, describes how grounding systems are modelled, explains how step and touch voltages are calculated, and provides an introduction to grounding system design.