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New York State Requirements

PDH's Required:
36 Units
Renewal Period:
Triennial based on the last day of the licensee's birth month
Course Pre-approval:
The state requires pre-approval of applicable courses offered by continuing education providers ( sponsors).
Sponsor Pre-approval:
The State requires pre-approval of continuing education providers (approved sponsors) for professional engineers.
Course Applicability:
Online courses are considered "Continuing Educational Activities" by the New York State Board and must contribute to the professional practice in engineering and the health, safety, and/or welfare of the public. Courses that are not related to professional practice, such as general office management, accounting, finance, etc, are not accepted. As part of the 36 PDH required, a minimum of 1 PDH in the area of ethics shall be obtained for each triennial period.
Online PDH's:
Effective January 2022, all 36 PDHs may be obtained each renewal period via Educational activity such as online courses or via live interaction type instruction such as Live Webinars from an approved sponsor and in an acceptable subject area, provided that you show evidence of achievement and completion or a final graded test.
PDH Deferral:
Up to 6 PDHs may be carried over into the next renewal period.
Additional Information:
Note: is an approved continuing education sponsor in the State of New York. However, based on the requirements presented by this state, some of our courses that are acceptable to other states, are considered non-acceptable subjects in the State of New York. Such courses are denoted by a PDH qualification statement at the top of the course outline.

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