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Transportation Safety 15 PDH Discount Package 2

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Courses in this Package
COURSE TITLE: Preventing Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways
COURSE NO: C06-013
Preventing Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways
Course Highlights

This online engineering PDH course identifies the contributing factors to wrong-way crashes on freeways and develops promising, cost-conscious countermeasures to reduce these driving errors and their related crashes.  Factors found to be significant are alcohol impairment, age, gender, physical condition, driver's experience and knowledge, time of day, and interchange type.  Vehicle type, seat belt use, lighting, roadway alignment, driver age group, first vehicle contact point, and driver condition (blood alcohol concentration level) are shown to have an impact on crash severity.  Types of countermeasures such as signage, pavement markings, geometric design, and ITS vehicle detection systems are discussed. Applications to twelve specific interchanges are presented.


Driving the wrong way on freeways has been a consistent traffic safety problem since the interstate system was opened in the 1950s.  From 1996 to 2000 alone, over 1,700 people were killed and thousands more were injured in wrong-way crashes in the United States.  The average direct economic loss from such crashes is estimated to be over ten million dollars per year.


This 6 PDH online course is intended for civil and transportation engineers, design professionals, construction personnel and others concerned with the design and operation of highways.

Learning Objectives

This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Recognizing the various components of a traffic signal detection system
  • Knowing the effect of detector length and location on signal operation
  • Understanding the advantages of non-locking operation
  • Recognizing the various types of underground and overhead detection
  • Understanding how to calculate the inductance of a loop assembly
  • Familiarizing with the steps involved in loop installation and testing
  • Knowing how to provide dilemma zone protection through detection design
  • Understanding the basic of pedestrian detection
Course Document
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the course document titled, "Preventing Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways" which is based on the Illinois Center for Transportation (ICT) report ICT-R27-90, "Investigation of Contributing Factors Regarding Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways", October, 2012, by Huaguo Zhou, Jiguang Zhao, Ryan Fries, Mostafa Reisi Gahrooei, Lin Wang, Brent Vaughn, Karzan Bahaaldin, and Balasubrahmanyam Ayyalasomayajula.
To view, print and study the course document, please click on the following link(s):
Preventing Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways (8.1 MB)
Course Quiz
Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of thirty five (35) questions to earn 6 PDH credits. The quiz will be based on this IDOT/ICT publication.
The minimum passing score is 70%. There is no time limit on the quiz, and you can take it multiple times until you pass at no additional cost.
Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

COURSE TITLE: Promoting Bicycle Commuter Safety
COURSE NO: C09-004
Promoting Bicycle Commuter Safety
Course Highlights

This online engineering PDH course presents ideas on how to improve cycling safety.  Statistical data on the sources and types of cycling accidents are described.  Types of bikeways and "bicycle boulevards" are presented.  Cyclists' attitudes towards helmet use and towards various types of biking facilities are given.  Three case studies provide much useful and practical information about cycling infrastructure successes and failures in cities recognized for their active promotion of cycling.


Increasing the number of people who commute by cycling holds the potential to alleviate congestion, decrease air pollution, and improve riders' health through exercise.  However, over the last few years accidents involving bicycles and motor vehicles have resulted in the deaths of 600 to 800 cyclists per year.  Urban transportation engineers must work to improve the safety of cycling infrastructure, if cycling is to reach its full potential.


This 9 PDH online course is intended for civil and transportation engineers concerned with the design of bicycle commuter facilities.

Learning Objectives

This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Familiarizing with the types and frequency of cycling accidents by age group
  • Understanding the importance for safety of separating bicycles from motor vehicles
  • Knowing the five principles of effective practice for promoting bicycle commuter safety
  • Understanding the principles of bicycle boulevards
  • Learning about bicycle traffic laws and how they differ from laws governing auto traffic
  • Becoming aware of the widespread disregard of many traffic laws by cyclists
  • Learning about the three classes of bikeways
  • Understanding various ways of promoting helmet use
  • Understanding reasons for cyclists' resistance to wearing helmets
  • Avoiding mistakes by communities in the past when implementing pro-bicycle policies
  • Learning about the role of traffic calming devices in promoting safe cycling
  • Conducting bicycle safety classes as a means of education
  • Rewarding attendance at bicycle safety classes by reducing bicycle related traffic fines
  • Learning about cities known for their well-established cycling infrastructure
Course Document

In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review Sections I, III, V, VI and VII of the MTI Report 11-08 of the Mineta Transportation Institute (College of Business of San Jose State University), "Promoting Bicycle Commuter Safety," February, 2012. The research upon which the report was based was funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the California Department of Transportation. Asbjorn Osland was the Principal Investigator.

To view, print and study the course document, please click on the following link(s):
Promoting Bicycle Commuter Safety (2.3 MB)
Course Quiz

Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of forty five (45) questions to earn 9 PDH credits. The quiz will be based on Sections I, III, V, VI and VII of the MTI Report 11-08.

The minimum passing score is 70%. There is no time limit on the quiz, and you can take it multiple times until you pass at no additional cost.
Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

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