Steel Bridges: Design of Steel Stringer Bridges

This online engineering PDH course provides basic information on the design of steel stringer bridges.
Once a bridge type is selected, the designer then advances to the detailed design of the bridge. Since the vast majority of steel bridges designed today are steel girders made composite with concrete bridge decks, this course will cover many detailed issues that are encountered when designing a composite deck girder system. This course addresses the design of welded plate girders. However, many of the principles presented are also applicable to the design of rolled beam bridges.
A stringer bridge is a type of bridge structure that consists of a series of closely spaced parallel beams, called stringers, which support a deck or roadway. The stringers are typically made of steel or reinforced concrete and are supported by piers or abutments at each end. The deck or roadway is placed on top of the stringers and is typically made of concrete, asphalt, or wood. Stringer bridges are commonly used for shorter spans and are relatively easy to construct and maintain.
This 3 PDH online course is applicable to structural engineers who are interested in obtaining the needed information to make knowledgeable decisions regarding the selection, design, fabrication, and construction of steel bridges.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Familiarizing with cross frame diaphragm selection including spacing, orientation and frame type selection
- Understanding girder design including selection of analysis methods, girder depth optimization, girder plate transition, field place location, girder web design, material selection
- Learning about superstructure cost assessment, substructure cost assessment, access cost assessment
- Understanding basic framing development in order to design an economical bridge
- Learning about the maintenance and rehabilitation of stringer bridges
- Familiarizing with the inspection and evaluation of stringer bridges
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