Seismic Assessment of Large Number of Buildings Based on Visual Inspection

This online engineering PDH course provides basic information on seismic assessment of large number of buildings based on visual inspection.
The demand for developing a rapid, reliable, and effective technique for prioritizing the buildings with high seismic vulnerability and assisting disaster mitigation in developing post-earthquake safety plans for highly vulnerable buildings, is always challenging for engineers. This course will provide information on the seismic assessment of a large number of existing buildings by Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) procedure based on FEMA P-154, 3rd Edition guidelines. This procedure can be implemented relatively quickly and inexpensively to develop a list of potentially hazardous buildings without the high cost of a detailed seismic analysis of individual buildings.
This 4 PDH online course is applicable to structural and civil engineers and others interested in learning about an inexpensive way of seismic assessment of large number of buildings based on visual inspection.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Familiarizing with the design of a seismic risk management program for a city or a community.
- Familiarizing with the planning process of post-earthquake building safety evaluation
- Learning how to identify if a particular building requires further evaluation for assessment of its seismic vulnerability or not
- Understanding how to rank a city’s or community’s seismic rehabilitation needs
- Understanding how to develop building-specific seismic vulnerability information for purposes such as regional rating, prioritization for redevelopment etc.
- Learning how to identify simplified retrofitting requirements for a particular building (to collapse prevention level) where further evaluations are not feasible
- Familiarizing with the methods to increase awareness among city residents regarding the seismic vulnerability of buildings
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