Release Detection for Underground Storage Tanks and Piping

This online engineering PDH course presents information about the 2015 federal underground storage tank (UST) system requirements and regulations. UST and its underground piping must have release detection to comply with federal law. In addition to complying with federal law, some implementing agencies may have additional regulations which apply to the system.
Each of the sections herein focus on one release detection method for underground tanks and/or the requirements for underground piping. You will find answers in this booklet to basic questions about how release detection methods work and which methods are best for your UST site.
As of September 2015, over 528,000 UST releases were confirmed since the UST program was implemented. At sites without release detection, contamination can spread undetected, requiring difficult and costly clean-ups.
If you have effective release detection, you can respond quickly to signs of releases. You can minimize the extent of or eliminate potential for environmental damage and the threat to human health and safety. Early action also protects you from high costs that can result from cleaning up extensive releases and responding to third-party liability claims.
This 4 PDH online course is applicable to petroleum engineers, owners/operators, and personnel involved with the release detection of underground storage tanks.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Learning the basic release detection requirements for underground storage tanks (USTs) and piping
- Understanding the different release detection methods for USTs and choosing the best option for a given application
- Familiarizing with the federal regulatory requirements for release detection
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