Introduction to Short Circuit Current Calculations

This online engineering PDH course presents the subject of short-circuit studies in a very structured fashion. First, a simple equivalent circuit is developed for a generic power system, the system impedances are recalculated to a common base, and finally faults are calculated at various locations throughout the system. A detailed explanation is offered for the calculation of three phase faults. Explained techniques can be also verified by any commercial power system software package.
Short-circuit studies are done to determine the magnitude of the prospective currents flowing throughout the power system at various time intervals after a fault occurs. The magnitude of the currents flowing through the power system after a fault varies with time until they reach a steady-state condition. The information is used to select fuses, breakers, and switchgear ratings in addition to setting protective relays.
This behavior is due to system characteristics and dynamics. During this time, the protective system is called on to detect, interrupt, and isolate these faults. The duty imposed on this equipment is dependent upon the magnitude of the current, which is dependent on the time from fault inception. This is done for various types of faults (three phase, phase-to-phase, double-phase-to-ground, and phase-to-ground) at different locations throughout the system.
This 8 PDH online course is applicable for electrical engineers who desire to gain an understanding of short circuit current calculations. In this course, you will learn about short circuit current calculations for industrial power systems; basic theory for short circuit calculations in electrical power systems; and how excessive short circuit currents can be mitigated.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
Understanding fault analysis according to industry standards
Learning about models of branch elements
Learning about the impedance diagram
Learning about system modelling and computational techniques
Understanding the extent of the model
Understanding the extent and requirements of short circuit current studies
Understanding the factors affecting accuracy of short-circuit studies
Learning about computer solutions
Undertaking a practical example
In this professinal engineering CEU course, you need to review the course document titled, "Introduction to Short Circuit Current Calculations".
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