Fundamentals of Roadway Signage

This online engineering PDH course provides a basic understanding of the definition and use of the most commonly used signs in the Manual for Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This course only provides a sampling of the signs identified in the MUTCD for educational purposes. The most commonly used signs are detailed in this course. A full listing of signs can be found in the MUTCD.
The effective use of roadway signs is as critical as the roadway design itself to the functioning of a roadway. Roadway signs provide guidance to the driver informing them of regulations, warnings and positive guidance. Information is provided to the driver related to the use of a roadway that increase the safety and efficiency of the roadway.
Roadway signs are divided into numerous categories, each with rules for their usage. There are also requirements as to the proper placement of roadway signs. Consistent use of roadway signs allows for driver education as to the proper use of a roadway. Proper placement and installation also allow for enforcement of roadway rules such as speed limit enforcement.
This 3 PDH online course is applicable to transportation engineers and roadway planners who are interested in gaining a better understanding of the types and requirements of commonly used traffic control devices.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Learning about sign categories and rules for their usage
- Understanding the shapes, colors, dimensions and symbols on signs
- Understanding the proper placement of signs
- Familiarizing with general regulatory signs and their usage
- Familiarizing with general warning signs and their usage
- Familiarizing with specialty guide signs, preferential/managed lane signs and service signs, recreational signs, emergency management signs and their usage
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