Determining Allowable Design Values for Wood

This online engineering PDH course demonstrates how to adjust the reference design values for the most significant factors. Methods for determining all the significant types of design values for wood will be discussed, and include bending, shear, compression (parallel & perpendicular to the grain), tension and deflection. Some of the major factors affecting the design values that will be explained include moisture content, temperature, beam stability, column stability, load duration, repetitive factor, etc. Narration and pictures are provided on some of the slides to expound on the printed information. Realistic examples are included at the end of the slides that show how to size a header and determine the required number of header supports.
This course provides prescriptive guidance on how to determine allowable design values for wood. The methodology taught in this course is based on the National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDSWC) published by the American Forest & Paper Association and the American Wood Council, which is a recognized standard for designing wood dwellings. It is not necessary to acquire the NDSWC but it would be a valuable reference to have and would provide further insight into the course.
This 2 PDH online course is intended for engineers, architects or builders who need to determine the allowable design values for wood. After taking the course, engineers, architects and builders will be able to apply the correct allowable design value so that wood components can safely carry a load.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Know the difference between sawn and engineered wood products
- Understand the difference between reference and allowable design values
- Know the six most needed types of design values for wood
- Know the ten most significant adjustment factors
- Know how to determine the value of the adjustment factors
- Know how to convert reference design values to allowable design values
- Understand the concepts of perpendicular to the grain and parallel to the grain
- Know how to size a header using all the critical design values (bending, shear, bearing, deflection)
- Learn how to determine the proper number of header supports
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the course document titled, "Determining Allowable Design Values for Wood".
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