Design and Sizing of Solar Photovoltaic Systems

This online engineering PDH course presents the fundamental principles behind the workings of a solar PV system, use of different components in a system, methodology of sizing these components and how these can be applied to building integrated systems. It includes detailed technical information and basic step-by-step methodology for design and sizing of off-grid solar PV systems.
The sun delivers its energy in two main forms: heat and light. There are two main types of solar power systems, namely, solar thermal systems that trap heat to warm up water and solar PV systems that convert sunlight directly into electricity (the latter being the focus of this course). Direct or diffuse light (usually sunlight) shining on the solar cells induces the photovoltaic effect, generating DC electric power. This DC power can be used, stored in a battery system, or fed into an inverter that converts DC into alternating current “AC”, so that it can feed into one of the building’s AC distribution boards (“ACDB”) without affecting the quality of power supply.
Several factors and aspects are taken into consideration when designing a solar PV system which will be discussed in this course.
This 8 PDH online course is applicable to electrical & mechanical engineers, energy & environment professionals, architects & structural engineers, and other professionals looking to enter the solar industry, or interact with solar projects in their current line of work.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Learning about the basics of PV technology
- Familiarizing with performance aspects of PV modules
- Gaining an overview of the different types of PV system configurations
- Learning about the role of inverters in PV systems
- Familiarizing with charge controllers
- Learning about the different types of batteries, their associated classifications, and key definitions
- Understanding the importance of having balanced systems
- Designing and sizing of PV systems
- Familiarizing with building integrated PV systems
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