Centralized Wastewater Treatment for Facilities Managing Oil and Gas Extraction Wastes: Wastewater Characterization and Management

This online engineering PDH course investigates whether the current Centralized Wastewater Treatment (CWT) Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards (ELGs) are adequately managing wastewater discharges from CWT facilities accepting oil and gas extraction wastes.
The EPA collected and evaluated data regarding oil and gas wastewater characteristics, as well as data characterizing discharges from CWT facilities accepting oil and gas extraction wastes, which are presented in this course.
The exploration, development and production of oil and gas reserves vary markedly from region to region. There are a number of solid and liquid waste materials generated during oil and gas exploration, extraction and production, and these waste materials may be managed by CWT facilities. The nature and characteristics and quantity of the wastes generated depend upon a number of factors, such as the type of drilling, the characteristics of the formation, the depth of the well and the type and quantity of chemical additives used during drilling, production and well maintenance activities.
This 2 PDH online course is intended for chemical, petroleum, environmental and industrial engineers as well as other interested in understanding the wastewater characterization and management used at CWT to treat oil and gas extraction wastewaters.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Familiarizing with the basics of the wastes that are discharged from oil and gas extraction activities
- Familiarizing with pollutants that are considered for evaluation in drilling wastewater
- Gaining an overview of the additives used in well development along with their purpose
- Familiarizing with pollutants that are considered for evaluation in produced water
- Familiarizing with characterizing the concentrations of pollutants in process wastewater discharges
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