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Courses by Provider > Online Courses > Civil Engineering > Stormwater Management > Storm Water Pollution Prevention - Materials Management

Storm Water Pollution Prevention - Materials Management

COURSE NO: C02-005
COURSE PROVIDER: Gilbert Gedeon, P.E.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention - Materials Management
Course Highlights

This online engineering PDH course presents EPA's stormwater best management practice for the protection of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems and conservation of water.


Municipal operations can adversely affect the water quality system due to pollutant runoff from various activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance.


EPA recognizes that storm water pollution resulting from municipal activities can be prevented or reduced by implementing an effective storm water operations and maintenance program. Therefore the EPA published the Storm Water Phase II Rule on December 8, 1999, that describes a menu of Best Management Practices (BMP). “Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations” is one of the Best Management Practices that requires operators of small MS4s in urbanized areas to implement a storm water management program for the protection of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems, improved quality of receiving water bodies, conservation of water resources, flood control, and protection of public health.


This 2 PDH online course is applicable to municipality owners and/ or operators, construction contractors/workers, site developers, engineers, managers, and all other personnel involved in the implementation of good housekeeping practices (materials management) for municipal operations.

Learning Objectives

This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Types and methods of materials management and good housekeeping
  • Applicability
  • Siting and design criteria
  • Maintenance and cost considerations
  • Effectiveness and limitations
Course Document

In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review EPA’s Best Management Practice relating to the “Materials Management” section of the “Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations” provided below. This section of the BMP addresses the following:

  • Alternative Products
  • Hazardous Material Storage
  • Road Salt Application and Storage
  • Spill Response and Prevention
  • Used Oil Recycling
  • Materials Management
To view, print and study the course document, please click on the following link(s):
Storm Water Pollution Prevention - Materials Management (1.3 MB)
Course Quiz

Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of ten (10) questions to earn 2 PDH credits. The quiz will be based on this EPA publication.

The minimum passing score is 70%. There is no time limit on the quiz, and you can take it multiple times until you pass at no additional cost.
Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

To buy the course and take the quiz, please click on: